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posted 2 years ago by BeefyBelisarius in wiggercide (+13 / -0 )
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posted 2 years ago by BeefyBelisarius in wiggercide (+1 / -0 )
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posted 2 years ago by BeefyBelisarius in wiggercide (+1 / -0 )
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posted 2 years ago by BeefyBelisarius in wiggercide (+1 / -0 )
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posted 2 years ago by BeefyBelisarius in CringeAnarchy (+3 / -0 )
posted 2 years ago by BeefyBelisarius in Monarchists (+8 / -0 ) Pinned by moderators
Here's a video for anyone who hasn't considered this position before.
posted 2 years ago by BeefyBelisarius in Monarchists (+5 / -0 ) Pinned by moderators
Autocorrect messed up the title of the welcome thread in a board I just created. Didn't notice until I clicked submit.
And it's still full of 2018 memes.
posted 2 years ago by BeefyBelisarius in CringeAnarchy (+3 / -0 ) Pinned by moderators
Post whatever funny shit you want, just don't be a commie, degenerate, or jew. The original /r/cringeanarchy was banned back in 2019 when we posted a bunch of memes about the Christchurch mosque removal and can still be found on lists of right wing hate subs. Most of us migrated to /r/ConsumeProduct after that.
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