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posted 2 years ago by Shep1488 (+8 / -0 ) Pinned by moderators
Created a board for the more shitposty side of our community.
Have fun lads. :b_NationalSocialism/awdtroll:
“Restaurants were legally obligated to offer… inexpensive Eintopf meals at a reduced rate on designated Sundays”.
All savings were directed to the Winter Charity.
Stupid People (
posted 1 year ago by Uncle_Adolf (+1 / -0 )
From Siege by James Mason.
On January 14, 1930, communist bastards entered the apartment of our unforgettable comrade Horst Wessel and shot him. For forty days our faithful and loyal comrade had to wrestle with life and death, until death relieved him of his pain on February 23, 1930.
Eternal glory to him!
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric (+2 / -0 )
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric (+3 / -0 )
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric (+5 / -0 )
in the Berchtesgaden land, Hitlers favorite place to vacation.
It based itself in Bratislava and featured many Germans of different religious backgrounds as prominent leaders
ts initial founding was to steer the Carpathian Germans away from the Zipser German Party which as accused of being too pro-Hungarian by them, as it had aligned itself with Hungarian political parties and politicians, as well as being for reunification with Hungary.
Its party policies were generally though vague and despite its opposition to Hungarianism among the Germans it did on occasion align itself somewhat with them, but it was practically absorbed by the Sudeten German party before being banned during the Sudeten Crisis.
Aligning itself heavily with the NSDAP, it had its own paper as well as aligning itself along the lines of being the Club of German National Socialists. Its members become the leaders of the Carpathian Germans in the Carpatho-Ukraine region following 1939.
Can't find much on it and can't confirm this, seems like though that the 13k Germans in the Carpatho-Ukraine as it was called, were represented by someone and were in large amounts deported to the Soviet Union following WW2, alongside many Hungarians.
Franco wrote to Adolf Hitler offering to join the war on 19 June 1940 and possible accession to the Axis Powers to fight Bolshevik Communism. Spain didn't officially join the Axis, but they did help the Axis—whose members Italy and Germany had supported Spain during the Spanish Civil War (1936 to 1939), as did Ireland.
Iron Guard Death Squad Song (
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric (+3 / -0 )
Echipa Mortii
We are the death squad
from Moldova we come today
Throwing dice with fate,
either we win or we die
Throwing dice with fate,
either we win or we die.
With us we bring the banner
of our holy new faith
Upon it is written with blood,
great deeds of victory
Upon it is written with blood,
great deeds of victory.
There's much grief in our country
for the foreigner rules us
A beggar in his own home,
the poor Romanian has become
A beggar in his own home,
the poor Romanian has become.
Therefore we fight today
We begin to rid the Fatherland
from all its thieves,
so that honor may be enthroned
We begin to rid the Fatherland
from all its thieves,
so that honor may be enthroned.
Together with the Captain
gladly we'll sacrifice ourselves
Over our enemies corpses,
we shall build a new country
Over our enemies corpses,
we shall build a new country
With a smile on our lips
we look to death's face
For we are the death squad
Either we win,
or we die!
For we are the death squad
Either we win,
or we die!
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu (Life & Times)
1:07:29 min documentary by Cultured Thug
Anti-Semitism on the rise (
posted 2 years ago by Needmorepopcorn (+3 / -0 )
Leon Degrelle: resurrection (
posted 2 years ago by Uncle_Adolf (+4 / -0 )
It's remarkable he survived seeing as much action as he did and escaping all the attempts to kill him post-war. Apparently, he wrote letters to the pope from Spain in which he denied the holocaust. An absolute legend.
posted 2 years ago by Shep1488 (+3 / -0 )
Germany's Rise (
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric (+4 / -0 )
British fascism (
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric (+4 / -0 )
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric (+3 / -0 )
Adolf Hitler - Racial Unity (
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric (+3 / -0 )
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric (+5 / -0 )
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