2 years ago1 point(+1/-0)Edited 2022-08-09 19:42:52
All there is to know about the Kali Yuga is that it is the Age of Strife.
Wikipedia says; "According to Puranic sources,[a] Krishna's departure marks the end of Dvapara Yuga and the start of Kali Yuga, which is dated to 17/18 February 3102 BC.[9][10] Lasting for 432,000 years (1,200 divine years), Kali Yuga began 5,123 years ago and has 426,877 years left as of 2022 AD.[11][12][13] Kali Yuga will end in the year 428,899 AD."
Thats the Hindu lore. In reality we know that the Kali Yuga started with the Fall of Man, with Eve and Adam eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Who knows if that start date is true, it could be some true esoteric knowledge that a demon or satan granted to a Hindu follower hundreds or thousands of years ago.
Nonetheless, the Kali Yuga is now, and won't end until the return of Christ for his 1000 year Reich- ahem, I mean Reign.
Kali Yuga Über Alles is a great song which captures the essence of the last 200 years of the Kali Yuga. Here's the lyrics:
>One of the saddest things about the modern world is that people live In a tiny time slice which they carry forward with them. Nothing remains. The centuries to them are completely dark. Just un-illumined corridors through which they stagger into a single little sliver of light
This first speech describes our current mass psychosis/demoralization/inability to discern and asses true information, both now but especially historical information. To quote Bezmenov; "...Even if I take him to Soviet Union and and show him concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it... Until the military boot comes crashing down on his fat bottom, *then* he will understand, but not before that…"
No one knows what the bankers have done, what the communists have done, what our enemies have done. "No one mourns the great crimes committed against us". In fact, people "know" the exact opposite. The Nazis are bad, they murdered 11 gorrillion, they destroyed their own people etc etc…. "No one will honor us for losing gracefully".
The Sliver of light is any sort of racial consciousness or salvation through Christ that we receive in our life time. Everything else is forgotten, forever condemned to reside outside the masses' consciousness. This is a symptom of what Hitler described as his problem with how history was taught in schools. No overarching patterns were taught, only vague dates of events and battles and names of relatively unimportant kings and nobles.
>Every great civilization has a record of a period of a Golden age, when there was no war, no dispute, no lying
Referring likely to the Strong men/Weak men cycle.
>It's not by shunning darkness that you'll know light
We all know that this is the truth. Yes the Holocaust was and is a myth made by jews who hate you and want you dead. Yes. Every. Single. One. That is a hard pill to swallow. And it's not by shunning this that you will know anything good.
>Not holy fields of wood alive, of stone alive
I believe this refers to the fact that no land is sacred anymore, only a means for Judaic profit. Could be wrong.
>And up in the rooms of your barren house
The synagogue of satan is barren of all things good and new. They and their father the devil can only ever destroy and corrupt.
>You're reassembling language to keep realities out
What can I even say? Gender ideology bullshit in a nutshell. E.g. judeo-bolshevik Lenin invented the word "racism".
>I know your credentials, and I know your tell
We know about Talmudic and kabbalistic rabbinic tradition, and we know their hand rubbing, evil smiles, misshapen features and "fellow Whites" shapeshifting.
>In this game of reeds, in the logic of the spell
Not sure what the game of reeds is, but the logic of the spell seems like the literal hypnotism that the TV and other media produces in people.
>My burning attachment to contingencies. For who wills the end, may will the means
The rise of a Reich and subsequent holocaust (hopefully real this time) is our contingency. If we will the end of the jews as an entity in all ways, then we will the means of a White race and future for White children
>And it's only fools and firebrands (Kali yuga, uber alles)
Not sure what this means
>The books of law in the arsonist's hands (Kali yuga, uber alles)
Schofield Bible, Talmudic corruption of the old testament, Constitutional violations etc.
>Pretend to know me, and I'll pretend to care (Kali yuga, uber alles)
"Hello fellow Whites, we must let in the niggers", and then we have to pretend to care about niggers.
>And nothing lasts, that hesitates out there
>Time to collect the stones, and what our gods left behind. Straight out of being, and out of time
Our old pagan gods are dead and gone, so much so that they may have even stopped *being*, in the strictest sense. Their time on this Earth was up long ago. Now they can only receive worship from the lesser, darker races. Any LARPagans trying to resurrect this thinly veiled satanism isn't helping White liberation or overthrow of ZOG.
>I know your credentials, I know your tell. Embracing that death you know so well
Jews embrace sin wholly and the wages which are death.
The rest of the song below I cannot speak on much
>When it's only fools and firebrand (Kali yuga, uber alles)
>The books of law in the arsonist's hands (Kali yuga, uber alles)
>Pretend to know me, and I'll pretend to care (Kali yuga, uber alles)
>And nothing lasts, that hesitates out there
>When it's only fools and firebrand (Kali yuga, uber alles)
>The books of law in the arsonist's hands (Kali yuga, uber alles)
>Pretend to know me, and I'll pretend to care (Kali yuga, uber alles)
>And nothing lasts, that hesitates out there
>Jätän sinut (I'll leave you ...)
>Sinä olet myrksyn silmässä. (You are in the eye of the Storm)
>Olet sen elävä keskus. (you are it's living Center)
>Olen muinainen järjestys. (I am ancient Order)
>Ja mikä on Kaaosta on {unintelligible} (and what is Chaos is ...)
>Sen maailman riekaleina, (The shreds of a World;)
>Joka ei enää koske minua (that doesn't concern me anymore)

Wikipedia says; "According to Puranic sources,[a] Krishna's departure marks the end of Dvapara Yuga and the start of Kali Yuga, which is dated to 17/18 February 3102 BC.[9][10] Lasting for 432,000 years (1,200 divine years), Kali Yuga began 5,123 years ago and has 426,877 years left as of 2022 AD.[11][12][13] Kali Yuga will end in the year 428,899 AD."
Thats the Hindu lore. In reality we know that the Kali Yuga started with the Fall of Man, with Eve and Adam eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Who knows if that start date is true, it could be some true esoteric knowledge that a demon or satan granted to a Hindu follower hundreds or thousands of years ago.
Nonetheless, the Kali Yuga is now, and won't end until the return of Christ for his 1000 year Reich- ahem, I mean Reign.
Kali Yuga Über Alles is a great song which captures the essence of the last 200 years of the Kali Yuga. Here's the lyrics:
>One of the saddest things about the modern world is that people live In a tiny time slice which they carry forward with them. Nothing remains. The centuries to them are completely dark. Just un-illumined corridors through which they stagger into a single little sliver of light
This first speech describes our current mass psychosis/demoralization/inability to discern and asses true information, both now but especially historical information. To quote Bezmenov; "...Even if I take him to Soviet Union and and show him concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it... Until the military boot comes crashing down on his fat bottom, *then* he will understand, but not before that…"
No one knows what the bankers have done, what the communists have done, what our enemies have done. "No one mourns the great crimes committed against us". In fact, people "know" the exact opposite. The Nazis are bad, they murdered 11 gorrillion, they destroyed their own people etc etc…. "No one will honor us for losing gracefully".
The Sliver of light is any sort of racial consciousness or salvation through Christ that we receive in our life time. Everything else is forgotten, forever condemned to reside outside the masses' consciousness. This is a symptom of what Hitler described as his problem with how history was taught in schools. No overarching patterns were taught, only vague dates of events and battles and names of relatively unimportant kings and nobles.
>Every great civilization has a record of a period of a Golden age, when there was no war, no dispute, no lying
Referring likely to the Strong men/Weak men cycle.
>It's not by shunning darkness that you'll know light
We all know that this is the truth. Yes the Holocaust was and is a myth made by jews who hate you and want you dead. Yes. Every. Single. One. That is a hard pill to swallow. And it's not by shunning this that you will know anything good.
>Not holy fields of wood alive, of stone alive
I believe this refers to the fact that no land is sacred anymore, only a means for Judaic profit. Could be wrong.
>And up in the rooms of your barren house
The synagogue of satan is barren of all things good and new. They and their father the devil can only ever destroy and corrupt.
>You're reassembling language to keep realities out
What can I even say? Gender ideology bullshit in a nutshell. E.g. judeo-bolshevik Lenin invented the word "racism".
>I know your credentials, and I know your tell
We know about Talmudic and kabbalistic rabbinic tradition, and we know their hand rubbing, evil smiles, misshapen features and "fellow Whites" shapeshifting.
>In this game of reeds, in the logic of the spell
Not sure what the game of reeds is, but the logic of the spell seems like the literal hypnotism that the TV and other media produces in people.
>My burning attachment to contingencies. For who wills the end, may will the means
The rise of a Reich and subsequent holocaust (hopefully real this time) is our contingency. If we will the end of the jews as an entity in all ways, then we will the means of a White race and future for White children
>And it's only fools and firebrands (Kali yuga, uber alles)
Not sure what this means
>The books of law in the arsonist's hands (Kali yuga, uber alles)
Schofield Bible, Talmudic corruption of the old testament, Constitutional violations etc.
>Pretend to know me, and I'll pretend to care (Kali yuga, uber alles)
"Hello fellow Whites, we must let in the niggers", and then we have to pretend to care about niggers.
>And nothing lasts, that hesitates out there
>Time to collect the stones, and what our gods left behind. Straight out of being, and out of time
Our old pagan gods are dead and gone, so much so that they may have even stopped *being*, in the strictest sense. Their time on this Earth was up long ago. Now they can only receive worship from the lesser, darker races. Any LARPagans trying to resurrect this thinly veiled satanism isn't helping White liberation or overthrow of ZOG.
>I know your credentials, I know your tell. Embracing that death you know so well
Jews embrace sin wholly and the wages which are death.
The rest of the song below I cannot speak on much
>When it's only fools and firebrand (Kali yuga, uber alles)
>The books of law in the arsonist's hands (Kali yuga, uber alles)
>Pretend to know me, and I'll pretend to care (Kali yuga, uber alles)
>And nothing lasts, that hesitates out there
>When it's only fools and firebrand (Kali yuga, uber alles)
>The books of law in the arsonist's hands (Kali yuga, uber alles)
>Pretend to know me, and I'll pretend to care (Kali yuga, uber alles)
>And nothing lasts, that hesitates out there
>Jätän sinut (I'll leave you ...)
>Sinä olet myrksyn silmässä. (You are in the eye of the Storm)
>Olet sen elävä keskus. (you are it's living Center)
>Olen muinainen järjestys. (I am ancient Order)
>Ja mikä on Kaaosta on {unintelligible} (and what is Chaos is ...)
>Sen maailman riekaleina, (The shreds of a World;)
>Joka ei enää koske minua (that doesn't concern me anymore)