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Eventhough we all agree that democracy is cringe, it is what brought Hitler to power. There were several general elections in Germany and NASDAP kept winning big the (((opposition parties))) kept doing whatever posible to prevent a NASDAP government which makes no logical sense form a government formation standpoint, because of this elections were common. After being appointed chancellor there was an attack on a parliament by jewish communists. After the attack opposition partied were banned in a legal way due to there being a state of emergency, our jewish overlords have no problem with this when shabos goy countries do this. At the beginning Hitler was only chancellor, he only began to be the Führer after president Hindenburg died.
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2 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 )
Bismarck was more tyrannical than Hitler. I’ve read a book about Germany from the 1880s to 1930s Germany from the perspective of a Catholic. Hitler was extremely popular and did everything legally but people act as if Hitler single handedly shut down opposition parties and passed the Enabling Act of 1933. It wasn’t that simple. Hitler couldn’t passed the Enabling Act without a majority vote and the president’s signature. The opposition parties disbanded because they were so unpopular and an insane amount of Germans were loyal to Hitler.
On the other hand, Bismarck was a tyrant that didn’t care about Germans. He was basically Trudeau on steroids and ruled in the same manner that the NWO did the past two years while raging a culture war against Germans.
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