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posted 3 years ago by Her0n (+2 / -3 / +2Score on mirror )
Something I’ve come across on my delving into our past. I can’t get any Christians to read this, I’m hoping someone here would so I can see what they think about this.
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3 years ago -1 points (+1 / -2 ) 1 child
I’ve read the Dead Sea scrolls as well, but that wasn’t hidden from public view like the Nag Hammadi were. I don’t trust the kike media at all so anything they promote I view with more suspicion than the things they don’t promote.
I’m still reading the Nag Hammadi for the second time, not well versed in it enough to really pick it apart yet
deleted 3 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) Edited 2022-03-12 13:56:04 1 child
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3 years ago -3 points (+0 / -3 ) 1 child
Greeks are a people I don’t consider White anyway. I think the Dead Sea scrolls are more pro-jew than the Nag Hammadi and to be honest I can’t support a people whom are so narcissistic that they claim to be Gods chosen people. They also have multiple stories of rabbis outsmarting God. That makes absolutely no sense to me and it sounds like complete bullshit. It also ruins any credibility for anything coming from their mouths.
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