Joined 3 years ago
Comment points: 20 Post points: 1

1 year ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
To think that degeneracy is part of "speech" is a tactic of jews to undermine the concept of free speech itself. If you allow just ONE exemption to free speech, it means you established the concept of restricting speech.
Now speech is not allowed that are anti-faggot, are anti-nigger, are anti-woman, are anti-kike, are too critical of something, are truthful but not "nice", etc.
All because kikes convinced you that pornography and CP is free speech. Or because "shout fire in the theater".
1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
You will want posts mirrored and you'll like it.
1 year ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
I agree. It should be enabled. Just imagine there is a conversation cross-platform, and you're missing half the comments.
Let's see if this gets mirrored too. u/PurestEvil
1 year ago -1 points (+0 / -1 )
I'll copy my comment from ConPro here:
You know what? I'll look up the first video you linked. Top 20 reasons "debunking" spinning Earth. I'll scroll through and pick some.
1. Common sense -> HAHAHAHAHA just look, where da curvature at nigga?! See? I see no curvaturr, derefore debooonked. "We can see the Sun and Moon are the same size" -> The person apparently forgot perspective for a moment there. I'll skip the idiotic memes.
2. Photographs are fake. Wow amazing, he figured out that images of Earth are artistically made, or composite images. Next he'll tell us pictures painted by artists are fake too?
3. The water one where it's not going up and down arbitrarily. Also idiotic. It's like he is intentionally stupid by mischaracterizing what it actually is. Gravity does indeed vary slightly. This does not mean that the surface of water goes up and down multiple kilometers every 10 meters. He uses exaggerated images which were meant to illustrate to imbeciles like him how it works.
And of course we don't see "curved" water surfaces, because it stretches so far that you'll never be able to see it unless you are VERY far away. At least as far as the ISS is. No, a flying in a plane does not do it. These people have no conception of the size of Earth.
4. Ok, images of Earth not being "curved" (second image looks curved btw, but yeah let's ignore that for a moment) at height ~36km. Images that capture only a fraction of Earth's atmosphere.
5. Compass. Magnets, how do they work? This guy clearly struggles with that. Why does a compass point to the north? Because the poles of Earth create a magnetic field across the entire Earth. The compass merely aligns with it at every point within the magnetic field. See [these](https://www.google.com/search?q=spherical+magnet) images.
All of that garbage is only credible if you are already deeply brainwashed. Otherwise it all appears like the mumbling of an imbecile trying to make scores, or rather appealing to its idiotic audience. But it clearly shows just pure ignorance. Sometimes just hollow skepticism. It's really pathetic. Are the other videos as pathetic as that one too?
2 years ago 1 point (+3 / -2 ) 1 child
Imagine having tons of material (of course only brainwashing videos, it must occur through an audio-visual media with emotional impact), and it is all leading to something false. No, not just false as in "oops I thought electricity actually flows in the cables like water", but RIDICULOUSLY false on the level of "I thought goblins are pushing the energy in cables."
Imagine I'd compile 100 links to tell people that giraffes have retractable necks, and I'd convince 1/10000 of the viewers, who for some reason just believe it. There are always people who buy into random shit. Now we're here, with thousands of people thinking giraffes have retractable necks and making it the biggest issue in their lives, ignoring more important things like the jewish question and the truth about history.
And you aren't just one of the fools with delusions, you are an active spreader of delusions. Some idiot on the verge may click your links and get brainwashed into your stupid beliefs.
FLAT Earth. Do you know how idiotic that is? It is so incredibly stupid on so many levels. It is an indefensible assertion, and even after what, decades of """research""" there is not a SINGLE bit of evidence pointing at your ilk being right. It's all effectively "I don't believe in Physics, therefore your arguments mean nothing to me, therefore I am uncontestedly right." It's all just pure ignorance presented in a way that doesn't make you look as stupid as you actually are.
And you know the funny thing? You people literally struggle with understanding air. Yes, air. Your level of knowledge about ANYTHING you deal with is elementary school level.
I am tired of you Flat Earthers. And I don't care what brand of Flat Earthers you are, you are all 100% wrong. No, not 99%, it's 100%.
2 years ago -1 points (+1 / -2 ) 1 child
> Proofs, logics and such.
Assertions, irrational claims, non-evidence, to be more precise. A total waste of time, only to end up in a delusion.
2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
We should start our own racism training.
2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
Here's a test for you.
2 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 )
1. Yes
2. Cuck
3. Cuck
4. Cuck
5. Cuck
6. Kike
7. Kike
8. Kike
2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 2 children
Oh so that's why it increased so rapidly within a single day?
Sure it's "Ukrainians" and not (((Ukrainians)))?
2 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 )
Justice would occur if every single one of the Pakistani involved would hang from a tree plus their parents and siblings.
2 years ago 5 points (+5 / -0 )
Delete & ban them. We cannot let the infestation start to fester here. No need to make too peculiar rules for it - it's simple:
- Boards that are ideologically radical left in nature is not allowed. Trannies and rdrama fall under that category.
- Also: Boards that solely have the purpose of disrupt other boards, for example by causing "drama" are not allowed.
Boom, simple rules, nothing extraordinary, solves 90% of such problems.
2 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 )
It is not difficult. Topics are (I assume) shown by querying a database. Upvotes/Downvotes by user are already saved as information, so all that is needed is to adjust the query to return only results that are neither up- nor downvoted. Or "meh"-voted, in case that would get implemented as well.
On the .win forums there was the issue that people were incentivized to upvote posts merely to hide them. At least I do upvote posts that are rather "meh" solely to not see them again.
The idea is simple. The same as on the win-forums, but more: When up- or downvoting a post, it should be hidden when reloading the page. It makes reading through the trending post list much better.
Over there it's an option in the settings.
Optionally add an option to just hide a post without voting on it (maybe a button between up- and downvote that indicates something like "meh").
2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
Simple. By having a shitty password. There sure is somewhere a list of the most commonly used passwords, and if you go through them, you'll find the one for the most people.
In the worst case, there is no limitation to attempts to try to login. This way it could be automated and it would increase the chances of figuring it out.
It takes real subversive faggots with a will to destroy the website to do that.
3 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 ) 1 child
You should double check that. Remember that the UI is a generally unsafe layer which can easily be manipulated (you just send GET and POST requests manually). Data verification must occur on the server side.
3 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Toast message