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posted 3 years ago by SnowAkita (+0 / -9 )
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3 years ago 3 points (+3 / -0 )
3 years ago 1 point (+2 / -1 ) 1 child
I like how shit like this is the greatest insult niggers and kikes can come up with.
We talk about how blacks can’t help but chimp out over the slightest of “infractions”; Burn, Loot, and Murder; and other real problems. Niggers retort with “hehe YT not cool, he no can throw ball in hoop!” It’s infantile.
You’d all be scratching at rocks if it wasn’t for us, look at your homeland, most natural resources easily available and you still can’t invent a fucking wheel, or discover anything past the goddamn Bronze Age! You’ve also had the most time to get civilization set up! You’ve been in Africa for longer than any humans have been in any other land, look at how “advanced” the niggers got in all that time!
Your greatest “heroes and leaders” were only rich and powerful thanks to selling their captives into slavery and warmongering. At least they could figure out this simple logic problem; capture slaves, sell them for gunpowder, use gunpowder to capture more slaves.
Keep worrying about throwing balls in hoops while we unravel the secrets of the universe. Keep yourself digging through the dirt by hand while we colonize the stars.
3 years ago -1 points (+1 / -2 ) 1 child
Imagine this is your life. A dumb bitch fed or a troon faggot, forum sliding with embarrassing meme ideology from 30 or 40 years ago.

What a faggot.
3 years ago -1 points (+2 / -3 ) 2 children
Waingro is the exact same. He double and triple posts the same shit, then gets mad at me for downvoting his repeat posts. He got so mad he banned me from his garbage subs and sent more than a me PM to kvetch asking “why u always downvote meeee!”
He even made and alt by the name of “heron” just to show me how much penis envy one jew can contain.
deleted 2 years ago 1 point (+2 / -1 ) 1 child
2 years ago -1 points (+1 / -2 ) 1 child
deleted 2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
3 years ago -1 points (+1 / -2 ) 1 child
So is this place already compromised or something? I've seen a couple of things here from that waingro that were suspect. I haven't been here long either.
2 years ago -1 points (+2 / -3 ) 1 child
This place is pretty much dead and waingro is a kike who likes to wear his retardation on his sleeve.
Every single one of his posts has a score of 3 as soon as he posts, it’s obvious he’s using alts for vote manipulation. He makes alts to harass other users. He claims he knows all his downvotes are only from me and that I must be a kike for not liking his memes that’s are six months to three years behind the times.
I might be annoyed if I didn’t find kike kvetching hilarious.
deleted 2 years ago 0 points (+2 / -2 ) 1 child
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