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Vaccines have always been risky and unreliable. Alot of gaslighting and pressuring goes on for people to still consoom them.

Be vigilant and avoid getting or allowing your kids to get any vaccines.
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3 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
honestly I'm a bit on the fence about vaccines in general, if you'd like to share more info on the topic.
However, when you said "this didn't start with covid" a few things came to mind.
One being recent flu shots have apparently been "less effective" than ever in recent years (were they ever effective?). Healthy people can probably skip flu vaccines.
Then in last few years pre-covid the media was fearmongering about unvaccinated creating measles outbreaks. But some of those were shown to have happened around vaccinated I thought.
There was also that controversial Gardisil push on kids to prevent a STD, where abstinence was generally sufficient as a preventative.
Of course there have been curious statements about vaccines helping with an "overpopulation problem".
So I notice a lot of red flags with vaccines, but I wasn't sure if this was just a problem with specific vaccines or all of them.
I have also heard sanitation historically was important for preventong disease spread (over vaccines).
There has also been speculation certain diseases are due to poisoning rather than viruses.
2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
If I remember correctly, disease in the past started going down right before vaccines started coming out for them, which is related to the general increase in sanitation in the same time period. Are vaccines more necessary now due to stronger strains that exist due to the defenses we put up?
See Marek's disease; where what once was a mild disease in chickens turned deadly after it strengthened in response to vaccines. Chickens basically have to be vaccinated against it now, lest they die.
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