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Did you notice the word shifting that has happened? They call it "the vaccine" like it is the only one. If one gets more specific, some people say "the covid vaccine" like there aren't many different ones.
On a related note, why did so many people start calling it "the jab"? "Jab" was mainly a U.K. word for vaccine, where we generally say "shot" in the U.S. I noticed people and the media unprecedentedly started saying "jab" during this time period. Where did that come from as well?
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1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
It's not even a vaccine according to the definition of vaccine that has existed since vaccines were invented; the FDA, CDC, and WHO all changed their definitions of vaccine (which are false definitions) explicitly to include this poison poke.
2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Our enemies control our language. Or at least they try. We call it wordplay but they call it **spellcraft**.
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