Consume Product [Weekly #124: Consoom Christmas]
Hello fellow consumers,
As always thank you to everyone that participated in the last weekly and remember you are Operation MONKE!
NOTE: Good discussions. Too bad we seem pretty blackpilled. Never lose hope.
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# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [Consoom Christmas](
Merry Christmas ConPro!
Discussion ideas:
* How was your Christmas?
* Santa bring you the gifts you wanted? Did he give you gifts you wanted to give? (Things are expensive some people didn’t COONSOOM like they wanted too last year.)
* Share a fun Christmas story. E.g., Someone didn’t get their yeezy slides, someone had too much punch and started going off on Gods chosen.
# Weekly Polls:
* ▶ [What do you want next week’s theme to be? (01-01-23)](◀ NOTE: Poll is hosted on
* [Suggest a new weekly themes to be added to the list](
# Previous Weeklies:
* [Master List](
Poll closed
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