Every kike and nigger I’ve interacted with has been a stubborn retard. I see no purpose in playing their dumbass games.
This OP has been deleting most of his embarrassing posts and comments, but not before he sent me a PM kvetching about me downvoting his nonsense. That’s some high school age, Reddit tier niggerkikefaggot bullshit.
I found it hilariously pathetic, like Michael Scott from the office.
Astutely observed, considering the rash of innocently framed floodposts of anti-White rhetoric from this tribesmember. @Elvis_Interstellar
This OP has been deleting most of his embarrassing posts and comments, but not before he sent me a PM kvetching about me downvoting his nonsense. That’s some high school age, Reddit tier niggerkikefaggot bullshit.
I found it hilariously pathetic, like Michael Scott from the office.