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1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
Not all white people were in Israel, but the people who conquered the Canaanites were white Indo-European folk. There in Canaan, one of their tribes degenerated and mixed with the local semites. This mixing extended all the way to the imprisonment in Egypt. When Moses left Egypt, it is said he left with the freed Israelites and a "mixed rabble".
There's much more on this subject, but the biggest thing is that someone could prove to you that the people descended from Adam are white, and those other races are perhaps more connected to the Land of Nod, the Nodites, and the half-Nod/half-Adamite descendants from Cain.
So, I've heard both that Adam was white, therefore the original Israelites were white, and I've heard that Abraham left an Indo-European society in Ur to conquer Canaan with his tribe, therefore making Israelites a breakaway Indo-European tribe and religion.
edi: so true Israelites would've been white, but not all white people entered Canaan with Abraham.
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