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posted 2 years ago by admin (+6 / -0 ) Edited 2022-03-22 12:01:56
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2 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 ) Edited 2022-03-28 02:37:06 1 child
im not a big pitbull fan, but thats just degenerate animal abuse
2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
nigger dogs are feral beasts
1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
Many animals are violent if not properly handled. Just as qwe shouldnt brutally murder all pitbulls, we shouldnt brutally murder all sunbears, or all polar bears. Just outlaw civilians from owning dangerous dogs like pitbulls.
1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
The pitbull is a breed specifically bred to be violent little over 100 years ago. It is a manmade abomination, like pugs.
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